

20 Years Ago Today on the Tube

About a month ago I reached the ripe old age of 40. Reflecting on my accomplishments in life, or lack thereof, I realized that outside of television, my boring life has changed very little. I still sit in cubicle hell, performing the same mundane tasks that I have done for the past two decades. My only solace in life is the fact that when I ease into my recliner, click the “on” button on my remote, it sends me into a world where I can forget about family life for a few hours and enjoy the new creations of the television industry. Television has changed over the past two decades going from sitcoms to reality shows. Now, one is hard-pressed to find anything outside of reality television, so here’s a look back to some of the television shows from 1992:

  1. Saved by the Bell – Lest we forget about the constant re-runs on TBS every weekend, I never realized how cheesy this show really was. I’m pretty sure the only reason I watched it was for Kelly, Jesse and cameo appearances of Leah Remini. Right fellas?
  2. Beverly Hills 90210 – Wednesday night was date night with my girlfriend at the time, and you could always find us near the tube watching this American classic. Kelly Kapowski on 90210, genius move!
  3. Baywatch – No plot, not entertaining, yet loaded with hot chicks in orange bikinis….schwing!!!
  4. MacGuyver – This guy was my hero, honestly. Any guy that could take a pair of women’s pantyhose and use them as a fan belt on his car, was a hero to me.
  5. Fresh Prince of Bel Air – Have to admit that I still watch the re-runs. Can’t get enough of the Colton dance to Tom Jones “It’s Not Unusual”, and don’t tell me you haven’t busted out those moves at a wedding over the last 20 years.
  6. Seinfeld – Just a classic, one of my favorite TV shows of all time. I’ve always wanted to set up a Merv Griffin talk show set in my living room and interview my guests.
  7. Married with Children – Outside of the cameos by super hot chicks, and Christina Applegate, the show depicted the true, but miserable life of most men.
  8. Full House – Just a terrible sitcom loaded with unfunny actors, although women love John Stamos, and I have to admit I had a thing for Lori Loughlin.
  9. American Gladiators – This was 90’s reality television. Half of these guys belonged in the WWE but it was entertaining to see them lay the smackdown on ordinary Joe’s like myself.
  10. Cheers – Never understood the fascination here. Sure it was funny, good characters, but never really was a must watch for me.

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