
Let me start off by saying that I feel for the victims and their families that have suffered at the hands of Whitey Bulger’s atrocious acts. Let me follow that by saying that I don’t need Tommy Donahue’s commentary for every single bit of news in the Whitey Bulger case. I understand he wants justice for his family, I really do. But he doesn’t need to plaster his face all over local television like a media whore. Try this pal, and this is what a lot of other victims families do, they release a statement. Say a couple of words, something to the effect that you are disappointed or ecstatic about what is going on in the courtroom.

Bottom line is this, Whitey Bulger will rot to hell in a jail cell. Nothing can be gained by your angry press conferences and temper tantrums outside the courtroom. It’s time to let the healing process begin.

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